Welcome to Everlast: Dark River
The site is finally open!
Plot will start soon and we're excited to have new members!
Again, welcome to Dark River. Where secrets are never kept and the past never fades...


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No New Posts Rules

This board contains information that you must read before proceeding anything on this site.
The Rules section also contains helpful lists, codes, and examples for your overall success on this site!

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

1 1 Rules of the site
by Pinefrost
Oct 16, 2008 1:10:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Guests Welcome!

Welcome to Everlast: Dark River, created by Pinefrost, Blackfrost, and Shadowmoon.
Guests may post here and ask questions about the site as long as you keep it appropriate! ^^

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

2 9 Hello, I have some Q's....
by Skywing
Jul 14, 2009 14:39:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Guest Advertising

This is a place for guests to come and post advertisements for their sites!
They must be appropriate for all ages because we have members of many age groups.
Any Inappropriate advertisements will be deleted.

Moderator: Blackfrost

56 56 v.4 Passing Storm (warriors / feral cat)
Jun 24, 2009 0:56:26 GMT -5
No New Posts What do you Think?

This is the board you post on if you want to leave comments, questions, and suggestions for the site!
If you don't like how something is done, we appreciate you tell us but also give suggestions on how to fix it so we can make it better for all the members!

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Member Advertising

Like the Guest Advertisements, this board is exclusively for registered members. We understand that many of you may be members of different site and this board will allow you to advertise that site!
This is the only place where you're allowed to advertise!!

Moderator: Blackfrost

2 2 GINO Academy
by Willowfrost
Mar 29, 2009 14:56:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Absences

This is the board you post on when you're going to be gone for days on end. We need to you to post here whether you'll be gone for a few days, to a few weeks, to forever (hopefully it never comes to that!).
It would be helpful for you because when you post here, we won't accidentally delete your account because we think you're inactive.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Staff Board

This board is for Staff members only. Plot, board ideas, etc... will be discussed here.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

Sub-boards: Plot Discussions, Information, Site Ideas

17 75
No New Posts Plot

No plot yet! xD

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Computer Graphics and Artwork

This board is for our members to express their creativity!
Each member is allowed ONE thread on each board (Not including the Request Board) that will not be deleted unless inappropriate content is posted within it. Both visual art and writing is allowed.
Fellow members may comment or critique on pieces by the artist/author, all critisism must be constructive critisism.

Moderators: *~Shadowmoon~*, Blackfrost, Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Request Artwork, Drawings, Fanart, and Graphics, Poems and Stories

11 32
No New Posts Chat Board

You can talk about anything here!
Posts here don't count toward your total post count.

Moderator: Pinefrost

Sub-boards: General Chat, Warriors Related Chat

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No New Posts Poll Board

This is where you can create polls where your fellow members can vote!
Posts here don't count toward your total post count.

Moderator: Pinefrost

Sub-boards: General Polls, Warriors Related Polls

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No New Posts RPing School

Are you a wonderful RPer but you can't place your commas correctly? Is your spelling below par? Never fear, Blahfur is here!
Blahfur and the other default teachers will help you work on your problem areas including Grammar, Spelling, and POV's.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

Sub-boards: Grammar, Spelling, Point of View

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The Four Clans

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No New Posts A Dangerous Path

You can submit your character profiles here! You must wait for an admin to accept your profile before your can start RPing! Please read the Rules before submitting anything.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

Sub-boards: Profile Rules, Kit Profiles

15 21
No New Posts Accepted Bios

Once your profiles get accepted, staff put them here for future reference. Please update your bios regularly.

Moderator: *~Shadowmoon~*

Sub-boards: ThunderClan Profiles, RiverClan Profiles, WindClan Profiles, ShadowClan Profiles, Loner Profiles, Rogue Profiles, Kittypet Profiles

29 30
No New Posts Adoption

Here you can place cats, or kits, you don't want killed off but don't want to play anymore. People come back, search the threads until they find their perfect little friend! Exciting, yes? :]
We will also hold auditions for important roles here when the time(s) come.

Moderator: Pinefrost

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No New Posts Allegiances

This board is used as a list of the current cats in all the Clans. Set up like in the books.

Moderator: Blackfrost

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No New Posts Family Trees

This is where we keep track of which cats are related to whom.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Clan Information

This board lists specific information about the Clans.
It includes the Warrior Code, a list of Medicine, and other little tidbits.

Moderator: Blackfrost

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All Clans Territory

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No New Posts Fourtrees

Every full moon, cats from all four Clans come here for a Gathering under a sacred truce. As the name suggests, there are four very large oak trees surrounding a clearing in which an equally large stone called the Greatrock sits.
If the sacred truce is tried, StarClan will let the Clans know by sending clouds over the moon.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Highstones

Every quarter-moon, all the Medicine Cats and their apprentices from each Clan travel here to share dreams with StarClan. They share dreams through the Moonstone which lies deep within the Highstones cavern.
Apprentices must come here once before they are named a Warrior and Leaders come here to claim their nine lives.

Moderator: *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Starry Skies

If you wish to create a StarClan cat, you may post their profile here. Also, if you kill one of your characters, you must ask a staff member to move it there for you.
As with the normal characters, you must wait for an admin's approval before RPing your StarClan cats.

Moderator: ~StarClan~

Sub-boards: Accepted Profiles, Obituaries , Fallen Souls

4 4
No New Posts StarClan Territory

This board contains all the areas that lie above the forest cats' heads; within StarClan's territory. This includes hunting grounds and places to live.

Moderator: Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Endless Plains, Dark Forest

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ThunderClan Agenda

Here Ebonystar, Blackfrost, [Medicine Cat] and Lilypaw will talk about important things. Each will have their own post, make sure you check up often!
**Reminder, do not post here if you don't have permission. Also, only TC members will have access to this board. The password will be sent to those with TC cats. If your cat is not meant to know, TC or not, do not pretend to know.

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

1 1
No New Posts ThunderClan Camp

Surrounded by brambles and trees is the ThunderClan Camp. If you want to post in a general area, please post here. Otherwise please post in the respective areas; including the Warrior's Den, Apprentice Den, the Medicine Den, etc...

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Grassy Clearing, Warriors' Den, Apprentices' Den, Elders' Den, Medicine Den, Nursery, Highrock, Leader's Den, Fresh-kill Pile

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No New Posts ThunderClan Territory

Here is where you would put a thread if you were on patrol or taking part in a hunting party. Areas include: the surrounding forests, Snakerocks, the Great Sycamore, etc...

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

Sub-boards: The Deep Forest, Sunningrocks, Sandy Hollow, Snakerocks, Great Sycamore, Tallpines, Owl Tree, Thunderpath, Riverbank

1 4


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts RiverClan Agenda

Here Ruststar, Willowfrost, Clayrose and [Meddie Apprentice] will talk about important things. Each will have their own post, make sure you check up often!
**Reminder, do not post here if you don't have permission. Also, only RC members will have access to this board. The password will be sent to those with RC cats. If your cat is not meant to know, RC or not, do not pretend to know.

Moderator: Pinefrost

1 1
No New Posts RiverClan Camp

On an island lies the RiverClan Camp. Just Southwest of a twoleg campsite.
Here you can role play within RiverClan's camp. There are separate boards for the Leader's Den, Warriors Den, Apprentices' Den etc. Please post in respective boards for where you wish to be.

Moderator: Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Gathering Place, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Elder's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Nursery, Great Willow, Leader's Den, Flat Rock

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No New Posts RiverClan Territory

Here are the various places of RiverClan Territory. If you don't know where you'd like to be exactly, just post here. Otherwise go to a specific area.

Moderator: Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Willow Grove, The Meadows, Gorge Falls, Fishing Bank, Stepping Stones, Reed Thicket , Twoleg Campsite, Small Beach, Whispering Caves

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No New Posts WindClan Agenda

Here Shadowstar, [deputy], [Medicine Cat] and [Meddie Apprentice] will talk about important things. Each will have their own post, make sure you check up often!
**Reminder, do not post here if you don't have permission. Also, only WC members will have access to this board. The password will be sent to those with WC cats. If your cat is not meant to know, WC or not, do not pretend to know.

Moderator: *~Shadowmoon~*

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts WindClan Camp

The WindClan Camp is located smack dab in the middle of the moors. The land is made out of gentle, rolling hills and inside one of which lies the Camp; hidden from view.

Moderator: *~Shadowmoon~*

Sub-boards: Shallow Dip, Warriors' Den, Apprentices' Den, Elders' Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Nursery, Windblown Rock, Leader's Den, Meal Stump

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts WindClan Territory

WindClan territory is all moorland, and is at a higher elevation then any other Clan. You may RP hunting, patrols, etc. Here.

Moderator: *~Shadowmoon~*

Sub-boards: Dusty Barren Moors, The Gorge , Rabbit Field, Bramble Creek, Hidden Cove, Deserted Stables, Shrublands, Silver Hills, Splashing Pool

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ShadowClan Agenda

Here Blazingstar, [deputy], Fawnspots and [Meddie Apprentice] will talk about important things. Each will have their own post, make sure you check up often!
**Reminder, do not post here if you don't have permission. Also, only SC members will have access to this board. The password will be sent to those with SC cats. If your cat is not meant to know, SC or not, do not pretend to know.

Moderator: Blackfrost

1 1
No New Posts ShadowClan Camp

ShadowClan resides primarily in a swampy marshland full of darkness and mystery. Large conifers cast the land in shadow and in the middle of all this is the Camp, where a large rock marks the clearing.

Moderator: Blackfrost

Sub-boards: Dry Stone, Warriors' Den, Apprentices' Den, Elders' Den, Medicine Den, Nursery, Rocky Ridge, Leader's Den, Ring of Rocks

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No New Posts ShadowClan Territory

ShadowClan Territory is surrounded on two sides by the Thunderpath, making this piece of land very protected.
Mosquito ditches run through the marsh grasses and large, water-loving conifers erupt from the ground.

Moderator: Blackfrost

Sub-boards: Marshes and Wetlands, Cedar Forest, Gravel Pit, Natural Spring, Briar Pool, Mossy Clearing, Grand Cypress, Forest of Ferns, Thunderpath and the Underpath

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Loner Territory

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No New Posts The Barn

Just past WindClan territory is an old, broken Twoleg barn. This place is perfect for shelter during tough weather on the way to Highstones.
Loners live in and out with two Loners, Bones and Clover, living permentaly.
Come here for a few nights or if you're just passing through.

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

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No New Posts Twoleg Farm

Just beyond the barn is a rundown Twoleg farm. Twolegs hardly come here, only to gather their walking clouds. The weird beasts are known to leave you alone.
Cats have come to know these walking clouds as sheep.
Quail, mice and other small animals roam here.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Fields

Away from the Barn and Farm, is a large wheat field. During new-leaf and green-leaf, certain sections are ripped away by large Monsters. Don't worry though, plenty of prey stays in the areas that don't get torn down. Just be careful.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Broken Monster

To the south-west side of the Fields, closer to the Barn, lies one the Field Eating Monsters.
Wheat stalks grow around and through it making a semi-decent shelter. The area around it is nice for meeting other cats and resting in the sun. Some loners play mock battles here.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts The Crick

Running from the Brook within Rogue territory, this is a nice spot to cool yourself in warm weather.
A pebbly shore with a willow tree upon the bank; it's long branches trail in rippling water.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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Rogue Territory

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No New Posts Abandoned Mansion

The Abandoned Mansion is the primary gathering place of all Rogues. The Mansion is impossibly huge and totally deserted of Twolegs. Rogues from all over make this place their residence since there is plenty of room.
Lots of mice live here as well; they seem to have taken over once the Twolegs left.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Graveyard

Behind the Mansion is an unkept Graveyard. This place is eerie, overgrown and dreary. A perfect place for a rogue.
Headstones are crumbling and wearing with age. This place is filled with many Two-leg and animal graves.
The old Two-leg caretaker wanders around with his lantern at night. Don't mind him much, he has his own black cat and often talks to the ones he passes.
A small patch of trees surround a crypt and the Crick becomes a black, surging river near the Crypt.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Crypt

In the middle of the Graveyard, lies the Crypt. Surrounded by a small cove of oak trees, is a large stone den. The door has cracked with age therefore leaving a gap to enter through. Light seeps through the various cracks in the roof and every night the old care taker continues to light the torches along the walls.
The fiery glow illuminates the broken and dusty coffins that hold generations of Two-legs. A spiral, stone staircase winds down ward where water, from the Dark River, covers the last three steps and most of the room. In the middle of the room is a concrete island with a large stone coffin upon it. In order to get to it one has to swim.
This is place is only visited by the bravest of Rogues. Often times they take prisoners or traitors here and finish them off. Sometimes secret meetings within the Rogues take place here.
All in all, the main Rogue often sets up meetings here to alert the group as a whole. Don't be caught here without his/her permission.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Twoleg Trashplace

This ghastly, horrid-smelling place is where large monsters come and dump the twoleg trash off of their backs. The only prey found here are rats, though most of those have disease and are not fit to eat. Be careful, if the rats attack, you could get injured and devlop an infection!

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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No New Posts Brook

The Brook is a rather small stream that runs behind a Twoleg nest. Many kinds of prey live around here because of the fresh water source but it runs uncomfortably close to the Twoleg's territory.
The Twolegs own a dog, his nest can be seen through the foliage that separates the lawn and the stream.

Moderators: Pinefrost, Blackfrost

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Kittypet Territory

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No New Posts Kittypet Forests

Within tall fences are miniature forests. The Kittypets like to roam around if their Twolegs allow them out of the Nests.
Sometimes they like to sit upon the posts and stare into ThunderClan's Forest strip.
Also, it's the perfect place to find Catnip for medical purposes.

Moderators: Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Wild Woods

Outside of the Kittypet Forests is a long stretch of evenly cut grass before the forest line of ThunderClan. If you're brave enough, roam here. If you like adventure and the thrill of danger, go into the forest for a bird or mouse. Just don't let the Wild Cats see you.

Moderators: Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Golden Sands

In front of the Twoleg nests, just Northwest of their hard paths, lies a place with odd contraptions. Often times Twolegs bring their kits here.
There is a large area of sand with odd planks of wood containing it. It's a nice place to relax and meet up with other Kittypets.
For the feisty ones, it's a perfect place for mock battles.

Moderators: Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Fishing Pond

In an old Kittypet Forest, there is a built in pond with some fish. The stony surrounding is slick with algae from lack of care. However, the flowers are abundant and give easy privacy for cats that want some alone time, and there is even a miniature willow tree over the pond itself.
An old two-leg lives at this nest and often refills the pond with fish for the Kittypets.
If you want to take a small swim or even try for a fish, come take a walk down this way.

Moderators: Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts The Porch

At the den with the Fishing Pond, there is a porch that has easy access under it. Kittypets often come here for secret meetings and the like. Also a place for the Kittypets that like to stay out at night.
Often times a loner or two can be found here for the night.

Moderators: Blackfrost, *~Shadowmoon~*

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No New Posts Old RPs

Here old RPs will go under their respective sub-boards. They remain here for reference.

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

Sub-boards: Old TC Threads, Old RC Threads, Old WC Threads, Old SC Threads, Old Rouge Threads, Old Loner Threads, Old Kittypet Threads

3 25
No New Posts Old Gatherings

Old Gathering RPs go here and remain for future reference.

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

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No New Posts Old OCC

Here is were we put the old OCC threads.

Moderators: Blackfrost, Pinefrost

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